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Model VF29 Vertical Upflow Tee Tube Meter
Brand: McCrometer, IncMcCrometer Model VF29 Vertical Upflow Tee Tube Meters are designed to meet AWWA specifications.
The flanged end tee design permits use in a wide range of applications with up to 150 psi working pressure.
The base and side outlets are 150 lb. AWWA class "D" flat face steel flanges.
Fabricated steel meter tubes have straightening vanes and are protected internally and externally with 12 to 15 mils of NSF approved, fusion epoxy resin.
Approvals & Certifications
Bearing Material
- Interior Bearing: Stainless Steel
- Propeller Bearing: Ceramic
Enclosure, Body Material
- Meter Head: Cast Iron
- Stainless Steel
Materials of Construction
- Maget: Ceramic
- Meter Pipe: Steel
- Propeller Spindle, Separator, Bolt: Stainless Steel
- Propeller: Thermoplastic
Maximum System Pressure
- psi: 150 (kPa: 1,000, bar: 10)
Shaft Material
- Stainless Steel
- Meter & Pipe Size: 4” to 20”
Temperature Range
- Maximum 140° F