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Xeta2 Series 217‐222 MHz Software Defined Radio

Brand: XetaWave, LLC

The Xeta2 series is built around a licensed 217-222 MHz software defined radio that features dynamic modulation, flexible configuration options and multi-layer Ethernet capabilities including VLAN and Routing. 

The Xeta2 selectively switches modulation based on link quality and environmental noise. 

This dynamic modulation allows for RF data rates from 10 kbps – 800 kbps using 12.5 – 250 kHz channel sizes and power output from 50 – 5000 mW (17 – 37 dBm). 

With built-in support for MultiSpeed Multipoint™ the Xeta2 enables both high and low speed remotes to operate on the same network with a single Access Point. 

This new capability allows for unparalleled flexibility in network design. 

Remotes with shorter links can operate at faster data rates, maximizing system performance, while remotes with longer or more challenging links can operate at slower data rates, maximizing system flexibility. 

Lastly, based on its patent pending Dual Decode Digital Architecture™, XetaWave’s technology platform offers performance second to none in the commercial market today.


Frequency Range

  • 217-222 MHz

Output Power

  • 50 - 5000 mW

RF Data Rate

  • 10 - 800 kbps

Occupied Bandwidth

  • 12.5 / 15 / 25 / 50 / 200 / 250 kHz

Output Impedance

  • 50 Ohms


  • 70+ miles

Operating Temperature Range

  • -40° C to +60° C

  • Oil & Gas
  • Energy
  • Industrial Controls
  • Electric Power
  • Water & Wastewater


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