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Burner Interlock & Burner Control Modules

Brand: Azbil North America, Inc

The RX series of combustion safety burner interlock and burner control modules provides safe operation of industrial furnace burners.

Various kinds of interlock monitoring and ignition systems can be realized by the combination of burner interlock modules (RX-L) and burner control modules (RX-R).

The desired safety features, such as interlock monitoring timing and type of ignition system, can be implemented simply by selecting from the built-in safety features using the PC loader.

In addition, the RX series supports the Advanced UV Sensor flame detector for continuous combustion operation, as well as UV sensors for batch operation.
  • Provides combustion safety that meets equipment specifications
    • Whether the combustion equipment consists of single burners or multi-burners, the RX series' modular structure and abundance of selectable features allow it to meet equipment specifications. 
  • Saves time and reduces risk in the equipment design stage
    • Safety features are implemented by selecting from built-in features using the dedicated PC loader, so there is no need to learn or develop special software.
    • The time needed to design and verify safety circuits is significantly reduced by connecting the interlock contact and the load (combustion valve or igniter) directly to the RX modules, eliminating the need to configure a special external safety circuit.
  • Saves wiring and space
    • Shutoff signals and other safety signals are routed directly through connectors between modules, saving space and eliminating the need for external wiring or relays for safety signals. 
  • Maintenance functions reduce the time needed for troubleshooting
    • Equipment operating records (such as the number of operations, operation time, alarm history, etc.) are automatically recorded and can be retrieved with the PC loader whenever necessary.
    • Procedures and spare parts for maintenance and troubleshooting can be consolidated, since the RX series supports various types of equipment.
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