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Motorized Torque Arm, MTA

Brand: Dodge Industrial

With 60 years of proven dependability and more than 1.8 million units in service throughout the world, Dodge Torque-Arm speed reducers are the standard of the industry and the benchmark to which others are compared.

Responding to overwhelming customer demand, we have now introduced a line of HEAVY DUTY right angle beltless Torque-Arm reducers for customers who need the power and performance of a truly rugged gearbox for more demanding applications.
  • 7 case sizes
  • Ratings from 3 - 100 Hp (1.5 to 75 kW)
  • Torque rating up to 130,000 lb-in (14,700 Nm)
  • Nominal ratios range from 18 - 80:1
  • Third-party ATEX certified
  • Meets or exceeds AGMA standards
  • Heavy duty dual sealing system is standard for maximum protection in harsh environments
  • Compatible with both synthetic and mineral oil with or without extreme pressure (EP) additives
  • Utilizes twin tapered bushings to allow for easy-on / easy-off mounting which increases operating time
  • Compatible with field installed backstop to maximize safety in all applications and industries
  • Standard Screw Conveyor Adapter and drive shaft
  • Standard TA II torque arm rod kits

  • Apron Feeder
  • Belt Conveyor
  • Bucket Conveyor
  • Drag Conveyor
  • Ribbon Mixer
  • Roller Bed
  • Screw Conveyor
  • Vibratory Feeder


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