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Flo-Pac Pleated Phenolic Impregnated Cellulosic Filter Cartridges
Brand: Parker HannifinParker Fulflo® Flo-Pac® Pleated Filter Cartridges are the perfect choice for industrial filtration requirements.
Flo-Pac pleated filter cartridges contain premium phenolic impregnated cellulosic filter media designed for critical filtration application.
Core Type
- ETP Steel
End Cap Configuration
End Cap Material
- ETP Steel
Filter Construction
- Pleated Depth
Flow Rate
- 7 gpm Max. Per 10” Cartridge Equivalent, 50 gpm Max. Per 18” Cartridge Equivalent, 35 gpm Max. Per 14” Cartridge Equivalent, 50 gpm Max. Per 14” Cartridge Equivalent
- Clarification
- Industrial / Oil & Gas
- Phenolic Impregnated Cellulose