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Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT102

Brand: Vaisala

For life science and high technology cleanroom applications.

A high performance instrument designed primarily for life science and high technology cleanroom applications, the PDT102 features a robust MEMS silicon sensor technology that provides superior accuracy, sensitivity, stability and durability.
  • In-place system calibration and on-line monitoring without disturbing process tubes with optional process valve actuator and test jacks
  • Ultrathin profile ideally suited for DIN rail mount reduces installation and calibration costs
  • High accuracy, two options; 0.25% or 0.50% of span designed for use in critical monitoring of cleanrooms for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and semiconductor controlled manufacturing environments
  • Extremely robust MEMS silicon sensor technology provides very high accuracy, sensitivity, stability and durability
  • NIST traceable 9 point calibration with certificate
  • Front side accessible zero and span adjustment potentiometers

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