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High Performance Butterfly Valves - Big Max BX2001

Brand: Flowserve Durco

The Big Max BX2001 is a high-performance, all-purpose valve designed for precise throttling control or on-off service with lighter weight piping systems and less expensive, energy-efficient actuators.
  • Broad application versatility via numerous design options: wafer and lug bodies; standard PFA, optional UHMWPE, fire-sealed, Apex® and TriFlex™ seated versions; and multiple packing options.
  • Reduced fugitive emissions through triple-leak protection of primary stem seal plus two optional secondary seals.
  • Increased capacity and improved flow control with low-profile, double-offset disc.
  • Improved personnel and plant safety per adherence to API 609 criteria for safe, reliable anti-blowout protection.


Pressure Class Range

  • Class 150 & 300
  • PN 10 to 40

Size Range

  • DN 50 to 900
  • NPS 2” - 36”
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