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Standard Energy Vessels
Brand: Manchester TankManchester Tank offers a wide range of proprietary, standard products which bring true standardized opportunities.
Our component products will satisfy your needs ranging from total modularization packages to a single block mounted application.
For your convenience, we stock a full line of standard energy products ready-for-delivery.
Our pressurized vessels for the oil and gas industry are constructed of carbon steel and manufactured to ASME Section VIII Division 1 Code latest edition and registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
All vessels are typically kept in stock for immediate shipment from Bedford, IN or Carrollton, TX, contact customer service at 800-399-5628 for current availability and custom design requests.
FeaturesFuel Gas Scrubber
- Diameters ranging between 10" - 16"
- Lengths ranging between 2’ - 4.5' seam to seam
- Vertical designs
- Primary applications: removal of free liquids entrained in fuel supply and instrument supply, Line Heaters, Glycol Dehydration Units, Amine Units, Boilers, Compressor Packages, Heater Treaters, Vapor Recovery Packages and Flare Packages
Pump Gas Separator
- Diameters ranging between 18” - 48”
- Full range of commonly used full height and low profile Vertical Pump Gas Separators maintained in inventory from 30” thru 36” diameter
- Full range of Horizontal Pump Gas Separators maintained in inventory from 18” thru 48” diameter
- Lift lugs for easy handling during installation process designed to protect the insulation and jacketing
- Flanged inlet, outlet, dumps and drain connections
- Wire mesh mist extractors for better efficiency in removing entrained glycols and hydro carbons
- Proof-tested full diameter separation baffles for improved efficiency
- Insulation rings and process connections designed to accommodate up to 2” thick insulation
- Inlet deflector to assists in the primary separation of gas, glycol and hydrocarbon
- Internal components separate gas from liquids
Vertical & Horizontal Separator
- Diameters ranging between 18” - 48”
- Full range of commonly used full height and low profile Vertical Pump Gas Separators maintained in inventory from 30” thru 36” diameter
- Full range of Horizontal Pump Gas Separators maintained in inventory from 18” thru 48” diameter
- Lift lugs for easy handling during installation process designed to protect the insulation and jacketing
- Flanged inlet, outlet, dumps and drain connections
- Wire mesh mist extractors for better efficiency in removing entrained glycols and hydro carbons
- Proof-tested full diameter separation baffles for improved efficiency
- Insulation rings and process connections designed to accommodate up to 2” thick insulation
- Inlet deflector to assists in the primary separation of gas, glycol and hydrocarbons
- Internal components separate gas from liquids
- Primary applications: primary stage separation on low pressure wells, second stage separation on high pressure wells, final stage scrubbing prior to flare incinerators and removal of free–water from oil upstream of heater treaters
Solid Filter
- Diameters ranging between 10”-18”
- Hinged tee bolt style closure for easy access and positive "o" ring seal
- Flanged inlet and outlets
- Welded absolute drain for better drainage and cleaning
- Lift lugs for easier handling during installation process
- Full diameter skirt and baseplate for better stability
- Full liquid circulation around each filter element to assure maximum contact and filtration thru each canister
- Inlet deflector to protect filter elements
- Lift handles on top filter seal/alignment plate
- PSV connections on vessel
- Primary applications: filtration of glycols and amine for removal and absorption of solid particulate from glycol-amine systems, Glycol Dehydration Units and Amine Units
Charcoal Filter
- Diameters ranging between 14” - 48”
- Vertical design
- Full flow rates from 90 GPH to over 1,800 GPH
- Hinged tee bolt style closure for easy access and positive "o" ring seal
- Flanged inlet and outlets
- Welded absolute drain for better drainage and cleaning
- Lift lugs for easier handling during installation process
- Full diameter skirt and baseplate for better stability
- Full liquid circulation around each filter element to assure maximum contact and filtration thru each canister
- PSV connections on vessel
- Primary applications: filtration of glycols and amine for removal and absorption of hydro carbons from glycol-amine systems, Glycol Dehydration Units and Amine Units
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