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The Dodge Poly-Disc coupling features a molded polyurethane disc that helps cushion shock loads and resists chemical attack. 

Easily assembled, the flexible Poly-Disc element utilizes spacer buttons to quickly set correct flange spacing, while the fully machined flanges utilize standard Taper-Lock bushings for easy installation and removal. 

The Poly-Disc coupling requires no lubrication or periodic maintenance, ensuring worry-free operation.
  • Elastomeric coupling with a polyurethane flexible disc
  • Polyurethane flexible disc resists chemical attack
  • Allows 2° of angular misalignment and cushions shock loads
  • Accommodates up to 3-1/4" boxes and 10,900 lb-in

  • Pumping
  • Compressors
  • Fans
  • Conveyors
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