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Lindemann PowerCut Wing

Brand: Valmet

No scrap shear for small and medium-sized volumes is more Productive than the Lindemann PowerCut Wing. 

The production capacity is up to 28 tons per hour and up to 7 cuts per minute. This performance is achieved both with semi-mobile as well as with stationary versions. 

The oil supply circuits for shear and stamper are separate so that they can operate simultaneously, instead of one after the other. 

The high pressure lines consist of single piece bent piping and not welded sections. This increases efficiency by reducing pressure drop in the system while, at the same time, reducing the chance of leakage. 

Lindemann PowerCut Wing comes with sophisticated technology. The cylinder position measuring systems consist of linear transducers inside the stamper, shearing, wing and lid cylinders, and laser technology for the pusher cylinder. This results in precise machine control and also a reduction in the downtime because the sensors are not subject to damage by falling scrap, nor to blinding by dirt accumulations. 

The hydraulic system has been optimized and logic blocks implemented to support faster, but nevertheless smoother work cycles without pressure shocks. 

Special pump combinations for low and the high pressure and optimum switching points result in faster work cycles with reduced power consumption.



Shearing Force

  • 695 tons, 880 tons

Blade Width

  • 31", 39"

Stamper Force

  • 175 tons

Wing Compression

  • 220 tons

Lid Compression (Middle)

  • 270 tons

Pusher Force

  • 132 tons


  • 2 or 3 x 120 hp
  • 3 x 120 hp

Production Output

  • Up to 28 TPH
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