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OpenWay® Riva CENTRON Meter
Brand: ItronThe OpenWay Riva CENTRON electricity meter combines robust smart metering functionality with new, high-performance communications capabilities and a distributed intelligence platform to deliver differentiating capabilities and new approaches to meter-to-grid applications.
FeaturesFlexible Two-Way Communications
- Execute all supported meter reading, configuration update and firmware download functionality
- Customize targeted meter firmware updates
- Support on-demand readings from the meter
Upgradable Firmware
- Customize firmware upgrades with the ability to automatically roll-back if activation fails
- Create multiple firmware images including primary and pending
Bi-Directional Metering
- Store received and delivered data metrics in the meter
- Support customers who own renewable energy facilities or participate in vehicle to grid systems with real-time data being sent back to the utility
Energy Quantities
- Watt hours (Wh): delivered, received, unidirectional, net
- Volt-ampere hours (VAh): delivered, received, net
- Volt-ampere reactive (VARh): delivered, received, net, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Automated Meter Reading
- Receive and transmit meter billing data including interval data, register reads
- Transmit recorded events and exceptions with each interval to the head-end software, which interprets them and logs appropriate messages (such as time adjustments)
Demand Measurement
- Max Watts Delivered, Received, Net, and Uni-directional
- Max VA Delivered, Received
- Max VAR Delivered, Received, Net, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 » Min Power Factor Delivered, Received
Real-Time Meter Event and Alarm Retrieval
- Automated alarms received by the head-end system via e-mail to a specific user or group of users
Tamper Detection
- Detect and report exceptions for events such as magnetic fraud attacks
- Communicate tamper indications in real time through the OpenWay system
Remote Disconnect/Reconnect
- Support integrated disconnect switch
- Perform remote disconnects/reconnects through the OpenWay Operations Center
Integration & Installation
- Fully integrated solution under-the-cover allows for plug and play installation in the field
- Shipped from the factory as one complete unit, ready for field deployment
Meter Security
- Platform Security with an encrypted file system and secure boot
- Standard DLMS Security
- Application Layer Enhanced Security
- Local Access Signed Authorization
Adaptive Communications
- Support both RF and PLC for “last mile” communication to the meters via the IPv6 Mesh
- Support standards based, true IPv6 mesh communication where each meter is assigned a global routable IPv6 address
- Power line carrier links implement the IEEE 1901.2 standard
- RF links implement IEEE 802.15.4g/e standard
- Meters dynamically select the optimal link based on channel conditions and the target QoS
- IPv6 mesh network uses the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer and RPL as a mesh routing protocol
- Embedded Wi-Fi communications for local access using common security model with OpenWay network communications
Voltage Rating
- 120 V, 240 V
Operating Voltage
- ± 20 % (60 Hz)
- 60 Hz (± 3 Hz)
Battery Voltage
- 3.6 V Nominal
Operating Temperature
- -40° to +85° C
Operating Humidity
- 0 % to 95 % RH
Transient / Surge Suppression
- IEC 61000-4-4-2004-07
- ANSI C62.45-2002
- ANSI C12.20 0.5 Accuracy Class