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FOCUS/BBF Channel Modules/Interfaces

Brand: Pulsar

FOCUS is a fully integrated drop and insert, intelligent multiplexing communications system.

Its unique modular architecture allows for operation at T1 or E1 rates over fiber optic cables or through 1.544 or 2.048mbps pipes within PDH, Sonet and SDH systems.

A network of FOCUS chassis can be configured for point-to-point, linear drop and insert or self-healing ring applications, with spur and multiple ring capability.

The Integrated DACS (Digital Access and Cross-Connect System), with flexible optical and electrical transceiver combination options, make it an ideal choice for your primary multiplexer and LDFO (Low Density Fiber Optic) applications.

Designed from the ground up to operate in harsh electrical environments, such as the power substation, FOCUS provides a wide range of user interfaces, including voice, data, protective relaying and SCADA.

The highly reliable design provides the unparalleled flexibility desired for power utility network applications.

Two-wire Voice (V2T, V2W, FXO, FXS)

The V2W and V2T modules provide two-wire voice and modem communication between two locations. Both modules support two channels which are configured independently.

They are supplied with RJ-9 jacks and compression-type terminal blocks for connecting telephones or modems. Applications for these modules include ringdown circuits or remote telephone extensions.

Four-wire Voice (V4W)

The V4W module allows for the transmission of audio tones and data, as well as E&M signaling information. Two independent channels are provided on each module.

Applications include traditional audio tones for relaying, telemetry or any device that uses a four-wire modem to transmit data (e.g. SCADA RTU)

Protective Relay Interface (PRI, PRS)

The Protective Relay Interface provides four independent programmable bi-directional transfer trip circuits with either solid-state or mechanical contact outputs.

These optically-isolated trip circuits are encoded, allowing each one to operate independently without affecting the dependability, security or response time of the remaining circuits.

Guard and alarm output contact are also provided on the module. Applications include DTT, PUTT, POTT, Directional Comparison Blocking and Unblocking. Redundancy at DS0 level and multi-drop features are supported.

Contact Transfer (CTR)

The Contact Transfer module provides eight independent bi-directional contact closure circuits. It can take in up to eight contacts and transfer their status to the remote end CTR module.

This is ideal for extending the reach of a SCADA RTU for remote alarm indications.

Low-Speed Data (232)

This module provides two independent RS-232 data circuits over which the user can transparently transmit and receive data and modem control signals at speeds up to 19.2Kbps asynchronous.

No presetting of data rate is required. The module supports CTS, RTS, DTR and DSR handshake lines. This module is suitable for SEL “mirrored bits” logic.

Current Differential (HCB, SPD)

The current differential module connects directly to HCB, HCB-1 or SPD relays. It monitors the voltage and current of the connected pilot wire locally and transmits this data to the remote relay. Using this module via
  • Standard telephony and relay channels available
  • Can be customized to meet most applications
  • Easily modified, while the system is in service
  • Can be field programmed for T1 or E1
  • Built-in full TSI (Time Slot Interchange), non-blocking cross-connect with 4 external line ports (optical or electrical) plus local channel drops
  • Redundant Power Supply Module option
  • Hot Standby optical links option
  • Self-Healing rings with two & four-fiber configurations
  • One expansion chassis can be added to accommodate additional channel modules when needed
  • Rapid squelch on channel failure
  • The FOCUS Configuration Software (FCS) uses an intuitive, windows-based interface to simplify configuration and troubleshooting
  • A two-level system alarm status is provided via contacts
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