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Quaestor 7000 Test Equipment
Brand: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGAll static and dynamic tests of the Dräger Quaestor 7000 are carried out fully automatically.
Controlled by the newly developed software, each test is carried out intuitively. For the user this guarantees high efficiency through comfort and speed.
Features- Fully-automatic static and dynamic tests
- Comprehensive test options
- Ergonomic and flexible pressure connections
- Optimum tight fit for all mask sizes
- Intuitive software
- Smart accessories
Approvals & Certifications
- EN 137
Flow Rate
- O₂: 1 to 4 L/minute (CCBA)
- 30 to 90 % Relative Humidity
Operating Temperature
- 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)
Pressure Range
- psi: 0 to 5,076 (kPa: 0 to 35,000, bar: 0 to 350)
Storage Temperature
- -30° to 60° C (-22° to 140° F)