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Cooling Element for Pressure Measuring Instruments - 910.32

Brand: WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

Cooling elements are used when the medium temperature would exceed the permissible temperature limit of the pressure measuring instrument.

Through air circulation and heat radiation at the cooling element, the medium temperature is lowered sufficiently so that the temperature limits are not exceeded and any possible temperature error is reduced.
  • For medium temperatures up to 200 °C. 
  • Can work with pressures up to 600 bar. 
  • Connections for G ½ B (EN 837). 


Connection Size

  • G 1/2” B

Maximum Working Pressure

  • 600 bar

Maximum Medium Pressure

  • 200° C

Material of Construction

  • Stainless Steel 1.4571

Pressure Port

  • 3.5 mm

  • For screwing onto pressure measuring instruments at increased medium temperatures


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