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Invitrogen™ - 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder
Brand: Thermo Fisher ScientificInvitrogen 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of double-stranded DNA in the range of 100 bp to 15,000 bp.
1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder consists of 18 individual chromatography-purified DNA fragments and has a reference band at 1,500 bp for easy orientation.
1 Kb DNA Ladder is ideal for separation on 0.8–1% agarose gels.
Features- Sharp, clear bands - chromatography purified fragments for consistent and reliable results
- Convenient - provided with 10X BlueJuice Gel Loading Buffer for tracking of sample DNA migration
- Precise - an exact amount of DNA in each band
- 0.5 μg/μL
Gel Type
- Agarose
Gel Compatibility
- Agarose gel
- Individual Chromatography-purified DNA Fragments
Size Range
- 100 bp - 15,000 bp
Volume (Metric)
- 500 µL