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SmartLine STUW Wireless Universal I/O Transmitter

Brand: Honeywell Process Solutions

SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O Transmitter continues the evolution of Honeywell’s wireless transmitter product offering and provides the latest critical advancements to support industrial automation users’ desire to expand wireless use for monitoring and control.

With over 14 years of industrial wireless experience, the SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O builds upon and is compatible with the current XYR 6000 product portfolio.

Similar to the XYR 6000 wireless transmitter, the SmartLine Wireless product line is part of the Honeywell OneWireless™ system and is ISA100 - ready.

The SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O transmitter enables customers to obtain data and create information from remote and hazardous measurement locations without the need to run wires, where running wire is cost prohibitive and/or the measurement is in a hazardous location.

Without wires, transmitters can be installed and operational in minutes, quickly providing information back to your system.

The previous generation transmitters primarily were applied to monitoring applications but experienced users know that Honeywell’s wireless products are as reliable, secure, and safe as their wired counterparts.

With this knowledge, users are now looking for wireless transmitters for use in specific control applications.

SmartLine Wireless introduces a step change in performance and most notably, performance suitable for control.
  • Fast 1/2 Second Publication Rate.
  • Higher Radio Range Coverage.
  • More Powerful 4 dBi Integral Antenna.
  • Smarter Local Display with More Local Diagnostics and Radio Signal and Quality Indicators.
  • More Input Channels and Types than Earlier.

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Up to 3 channels of inputs for T/C’s or mV - Up to 3 channels for High Level Analog Input - Up to 3 channels for discrete input or 2 wire resistance
Up to 2 channels of inputs for T/C’s or mV - Up to 2 channels for High Level Analog Input - Up to 2 channels for discrete input or 2 wire resistance - Plus 1 dedicated channel for digital output
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  • STUW750
  • STUW751
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