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WPT External Steam Trap

Brand: Watson McDaniel

WPT Pump-Trap Combinations are excellent for draining condensate from heat exchangers and other equipment whose steam pressure is modulated by a temperature regulator or a temperature control valve. 

In these applications the steam pressure in the heat exchanger may not be sufficient to overcome the back pressure in the condensate return line.
  • Pump and Steam Trap are pre-mounted together on a single base for easy installation
  • Higher capacities than Pump-Trap combinations with internal steam traps (PMPT)
  • Engineering and selection is simplified using a pre-mounted system


Enclosure, Body Material

  • Carbon Steel - WPT3 Pump
  • Ductile Iron SA-395 - WPT3 Pump, WPT4, WPT5

NPT Connection

  • 1/2” NPT Female
  • 1-1/2” NPT Female
  • 2” NPT Female
  • 3” NPT Female

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