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NAMUR DRT (NDRT) Ratemeter & Totalizer

Brand: Kessler-Ellis Products (KEP)

The NAMUR DRT (NDRT) is a dual 5 digit Ratemeter 6 digit Totalizer in a 1/8 DIN package. User selects 1 of 6 displays to show A, B or C rate and A, B or C total. Inputs A and B have separate scaling to read in engineering units.
  • Displays A,B,&C Rate & A,B,&C Total.
  • Separate Scaling Factors For A & B Inputs.
  • “C” Displays A+B, A-B, A÷B, & A÷A+B.
  • RS422/RS232 Serial Communication.
  • Modbus RTU RS422/RS485/RS232.
  • NAMUR Input – 10 kHz Max.
  • Security Lockout.
  • NEMA 4X / IP65 Front Panel.
  • 30mV Magnetic Pickup Inputs.


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