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1 - 12 of 16 Part Numbers
0409 0202
0409 0202
Connection Cable for Pressure Probes 0638 1740, 0638 1840, 0638 1940
Connector Cable High Pressure Probes
0516 0191
0516 0191
  • Soft Case for Testo Instruments
  • Dimensions: 12.5” X 6.3” X 1.3”
0554 0532
0554 0532
Y-Distributor with Hose
0554 0533
0554 0533
High-Pressure Stage Stop ¾" and 1¼"
Step-Plug G1¼ and G¾
0554 3139
0554 3139
High Pressure Connector
0554 3141
0554 3141
Hose Set for Testo 314
0554 3151
0554 3151
Conical Test Stopper ½"
Conical Test Stopper ½" for Connecting Test Set to the Gas Pipe 19–32 mm
0554 3155
0554 3155
Conical Test Stopper ¾"
Conical Test Stopper ¾" for Connecting the Test Set to the Gas Pipe 24-44 mm
0554 3156
0554 3156
Single Pipe Counter Cap
Single-Pipe Gas Meter Cap, Connects Test Fittings to Pipe
0554 3157
0554 3157
Hand Pump With Hose
Test Pump to produce Test Pressure - High Pressure Test Pump for Pressure Drop Test Set
0554 3158
0554 3158
Connection Hose LW6
0554 3161
0554 3161
Two-Valve Branch
Two-Valve Splitter (Brass) to Connect 2 or more Pipes, can be Blocked Off Separately
1 - 12 of 16 Part Numbers
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