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1K2A1 Series V NTC Thermistor Sensor
Brand: American Sensor Technologies IncThe BetaCURVE Chip is Soldered to 32 AWG Alloy 180 Leads and Encapsulated in Stycast Epoxy Resin.
Features- Interchangeability
- Proven Stability and Reliability
- Rapid Time Response
- Alloy Lead Wires for Reduced Thermal Conductivity ("Stem Effect")
- Thermally Conductive Epoxy Coating
- Temperature Range -40º to 125° C
- 3.68 %/°C - Alpha Value at 25° C
- Assembly Into Probes used in Low Temperature Applications
- Suitable for Measurement Applications at the Lower Temperature Ranges
- Temperature Sensing, Control & Compensation
Approvals & Certifications
- RoHS
- 3,348 K - Beta Value 25/85
- 0.75 mW/°C - Dissipation Constant in Still Air
Electrical Connectors
- 32 AWG Alloy 180 Leads
Loop Resistance
- 1,000 ohms - Resistance at 25° C
Response Time
- < 1 second - Response Time in Liquids
Temperature Range
- -40° to 125° C (-40° to 257° F)
- 0.2° C - Resistance Tolerance from 0° to 25° C
- 0.5 % - Tolerance on Beta Value 25/85