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Model 65 Oxygen Analyzer
Brand: Advanced Micro Instruments, IncThe AMI Model 65 is the ideal solution for measuring oxygen in non-flammable gases in a general-purpose environment.
In a very small size, and at very low cost, it provides a basic electronic package with a single range voltage output (isolated current output optional) together with a zirconium oxide sensor that has an expected ten year life, with virtually no calibration required.
Traditional electrochemical oxygen analyzers suffer from poor stability, requiring monthly calibration and frequent sensor replacement, and they suffer from sensitivity to both temperature changes and barometric pressure changes.
Their reading can change by as much as 10% when a weather change occurs.
The AMI model 65 suffers from none of these issues. It has been tested over a temperature range of 0° to 130° F.
Features- Percent oxygen in non-flammable samples
- General purpose self-contained oxygen sensor
- Extremely stable, long-life sensor
- Virtually unaffected by temperature changes
- Virtually unaffected by barometric pressure changes
- Virtually unaffected by humidity changes
Operating Temperature
- -18° to 54° C (0° to 130° F)
Power Requirement
- 7-28 Vdc (Nominally 24 Vdc) Typically 250 mA at 12 V with No External Draw from the 5 V Supply
- 0 to 25 %
- 0 to 50 %
- 0 to 95 %
- ± 1 % of Full Scale at Constant Temperature
- 0.5 % of Full Scale