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Vaisala Shipboard Wind & Weather Display System

Brand: Vaisala

To operate safely, a vessel’s crew needs timely information about wind, air temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. 

Vaisala’s Shipboard Wind & Weather Display System is specifically designed to display the observation data needed for ship navigation and to support the dynamic positioning system on the bridge — keeping your maritime vessel and all aboard safe and operating efficiently in all marine conditions.
  • Bright, compact displays capable of calculating true wind
  • TFT Graphical 5''or 7'' Display
  • 144 and 192 DIN cutouts for panel installation
  • Day/Night display color schemes
  • IEC 60945:2002 compliant
  • Type approval certificates from major classification societies
  • Three NMEA compatible inputs and one NMEA output. Optionally up to six NMEA inputs and up to four NMEA outputs according to IEC 61162-1.
  • Dimmer controllable using front buttons/external push buttons/NMEA or CAN/XDi-net
  • Optional wind warning and alarms/relay output
  • Ultrasonic wind sensors with no moving parts for maintenance free operation
  • Powerful built-in wind sensor heating available for freezing conditions
  • Multi-Parameter sensor with wind speed and direction, pressure, temperature and relative humidity
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