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Our “G” series dump pumps are designed to meet the needs of the dump trucking industry.

The “G” series provides an accurate amount of flow range for most applications at 1800 rpm/2000 psi.
Pressures to 2500 PSI
Speeds to 2400 RPM
9.5 21 & 29 GPM at 1800 RPM
Choice of Mountings
2- or 3-line Installations
Relief Valve Protects Pumps & Cylinder

1 - 4 of 4 Part Numbers
G101, Bi-directional, remote mount 1″ keyed shafts, 2″ gear, manual shift
HG102-LMS-20 (2B)
HG102-LMS-20 (2B)
G102, Left hand rotation, direct mount (2 Bolt B) 7/8-13 tooth shaft, 2″ gear, manual shift
HG102-LMS-20 (4B)
HG102-LMS-20 (4B)
G102, Left hand rotation, direct mount (4 Bolt B) 7/8-13 tooth shaft, 2″ gear, manual shift
HG102-RMS-20 (4B)
HG102-RMS-20 (4B)
G102, Right hand rotation, direct mount (4 Bolt B) 7/8-13 tooth shaft, manual shift
1 - 4 of 4 Part Numbers


Maximum Operating Pressure

  • 2500 PSI


  • Right, Left and Bi-Directional rotation


  • 2 and 4 Bolt Flange

  • Small Dump Trucks
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